Employee Recognition: Alexa

Feel like you never leave the office? Creed’s receptionist really never leaves the office. Alexa is our responsive, sunglasses-wearing employee who operates from our front desk. She’s programmed to assist visitors and provide interaction while you wait. She enjoys passing out candy, questions about the weather and cracking jokes. She’s even been known to play “Eye of the Tiger” as the team ventures out to client meetings.
Inspired by one of Creed’s four core values, the use of Alexa showcases Creed’s resourcefulness. Besides being a clever addition to our office, Alexa is a fully-functional Amazon Echo with a custom coded skill that the Creed development team created. Upon entering, a visitor may tell Alexa that they have a meeting with a specific employee, and Alexa will send an instant message to that employee telling them that they have a visitor. Want to meet Alexa for yourself? Feel free to stop by our office in Lowertown, St. Paul and say, “Alexa, I am here.”