Finding the Right People: How Creed Simplifies Recruitment to Streamline User Research - Creed Interactive Skip to main content
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Finding the Right People: How Creed Simplifies Recruitment to Streamline User Research

At Creed, we’ve seen firsthand the challenges many of our clients face when it comes to user research. The struggle to navigate the research process and find suitable participants is real. In this blog, we’ll address some common concerns and share practical solutions that have worked for our clients.

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The User Research Conundrum

Many organizations know they should be doing user research, but they’re held back by uncertainties:

  • Confusion about the process:
    • “Where do we even start?”
    • “How do we find the right people?”
  • Worries about costs:
    • “Isn’t user research expensive?”
    • “Can we afford it?”
  • Doubts about ROI:
    • “Is it really worth the investment?”
    • “What will we gain?”

These are valid concerns, but they don’t need to stop you from gathering insights from actual users of your digital product. With the right partner, user research can be straightforward, cost-effective, and immensely valuable.

Creed’s Approach

We start by helping clients lay the groundwork for successful research.

We’ll work with you to:

  1. Develop clear and measurable research objectives aligned with your business goals.
  2. Define target audiences, determine appropriate sample sizes, and select suitable test environments.
  3. Determine appropriate incentives to ensure quality participation.
  4. Create effective screener questions and test scripts tailored to your specific needs.

Solution 1: Leveraging Your Existing Network
Authentic insights, easy setup. Sometimes, the best participants for user research are right under your nose. Who better to provide feedback than the people already interacting with your product? We can help you reach out to your customers or employees using tools like Calendly to streamline the appointment process for setting up user interviews and usability tests. 

Solution 2: Third-Party Recruitment
Quality participants, cost effective. One of the most effective ways we’ve found to tackle the participant problem is through a third-party like UserInterviews. They have access to a diverse pool of participants, ensuring you get insights from the right people. We’ve refined this recruitment process, making it hassle-free for you. Plus, it’s not as expensive as you might think, especially when you factor in the time and resources saved.

Solution 3: Unmoderated User Testing
Rich data, convenient, and scalable. For those looking to cast a wide net without breaking the bank, unmoderated user testing can be a game-changer. Participants complete tasks on their own time, allowing you to hear from a larger number of users at a fraction of the cost of moderated sessions. We use tools like Lookback to allow for screen recording and analysis.

Regardless of the solution you choose, Creed provides a comprehensive summary of findings with actionable insights, ensuring that the research translates into tangible improvements for your website or digital product.

2 happy people at a laptop

The Bottom Line

User research doesn’t have to be a daunting, expensive endeavor. With the right approach, it’s a valuable tool that can inform design and development decisions, saving money in the long run, improving user satisfaction, and ultimately boosting your business success.

Whether you’re a healthcare provider looking to improve patient portals, a manufacturer aiming to streamline your ordering process, or a fintech firm refining your customer journey, we have a user research solution that fits your needs and budget. Our custom research plans deliver maximum value with minimum hassle.

Ready to unlock the power of user insights? Let’s chat about how we can tailor a user research approach that works for you.